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House Survey Conditions of Engagement

1. John Taylor Partnership (hereinafter referred to as JTP and the representative thereof) will advise the client as to his opinion of the state of and condition of that property specified by the Client. Unless otherwise stated the report is not intended for houses/bungalows over 200 sq. metres of floor area, over three storeys in height, nor for properties built prior to 1900.

2. Unless otherwise specifically agreed, JTP will advise on the price agreed for the property which in his opinion reflects the current open market value with vacant possession taking into account its repair and condition and market conditions generally.

3. Save as hereinafter provided, JTP will carry out such work as is reasonable in his professional judgement, bearing in mind the limitations of the inspection.

4. JTP will inspect as much of the surface areas as practicable and will lift loose floorboards and trap doors where accessible, but he will be under no obligations to raise fixed floorboards or to inspect those areas of the property that are covered, unexposed or are not readily accessible. Inspection will therefore exclude both the roof space, if there is no or no reasonable accessible means, and the outer surface of the roof not readily seen. Similarly, inaccessible flat roofs over 3 metres above ground level will not be inspected.

5. JTP will not be responsible for arranging the testing of services, unless specifically instructed to do so. Specialist tests can be arranged for an additional fee.

6. Except where the contrary is stated, parts of the structure and of the woodwork which are covered, unexposed or inaccessible, will not be inspected, and will be assumed to be sound and in good repair.

7. The report will not purport to express an opinion about or to advise upon the condition of uninspected parts and should not be taken as making any implied representation or statement about such parts, nor will it list minor defects which do not materially affect the value of the property. Any such defects that may be referred to should not imply that the property is free from other such defects.

8. The Report is provided for the sole use and is confidential to the named client. JTP accepts responsibility to the client alone for the stated purpose that the report will be prepared with the skill, care and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent Corporate Building Engineer, but accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any person other than the client. Any such person relies upon the report at his/her own risk.

9. Unless otherwise expressly stated in making the report the following assumptions will be made:
(a) that no deleterious or hazardous materials or techniques have been used in the construction of the building;
(b) that the house is not subject to any unusual or especially onerous restrictions, encumbrances and that good title can be shown;
(c) that the house and its value are unaffected by any matters which would be revealed by a local search and replies to the usual enquiries, or by statutory notice, and that neither the property, nor its condition, nor its use, nor its intended use, is or will be unlawful;
(d) that inspection of those parts which have not been inspected would neither reveal material defects nor cause JTP to alter the valuation materially.

10. The client will pay JTP the fee of quantum meruit for the report together with any disbursements.


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